The Bob Graham Round is a 66 mile, 27,000 ft circuit of 42 peaks in the English Lake District which must be completed within 24 hours.  Achille Ratti members have a long and strong tradition of completing the Bob Graham Round.  This was initiated by Leo Pollard in 1976 who has been followed by a steady stream of finishers ever since.   

Below is a list of members of the Bob Graham Club who completed the round whilst they were members of the Achille Ratti.  Many of these attempts will have been fully supported by the Club and its members.

Could any Club member who has been accidentally left off this list please let us know.  If you are named below and you have a copy of your BG report please send it to us so that it can be added to this archive to make it a complete and permanent record of the Clubs BG achievements.


Any current  member who is interested in Club support to complete the challenge please contact Dave Makin.


NameYearBG Club Membership No.
Leo Pollard197644
Ted Southworth1978106
Michael McGovern1979118
Peter Barlow1980162
John McGonagle1982225
John Nixon1983256
Andrew Barbier1983264
Ray Miller1984304
Alan Kenny1985334
Jim Harding1985335
Michael Pooler1986381
Derek Price1986382
Denis Gleeson1987481
Michael Quinn1987482
Chris Farrell1987488
Sheila Anderton1989633
Peter Dowker1989645
Paul Cooney
Clare Kenny1989647
Tony Brindle1989651
William Mitton1990691
Arthur Daniels1991719
Pete McHale1991720
Michael Donnelly1993812
Dave Hugill1994873
Robert Green1995972
Colin Jones19981068
Phil Hodgson20001163
Dave Makin20031196
Tony Shanley20051253
Jonathan Broome20051263
Martin Kirkman20061302
Chris Lloyd20061309
Mandy Goth20061318
Tash Fellowes20071343
Rhys Watkins20071350
Christine Preston20071351
Ozzy Kershaw20071366
Michael Howard20071367
Dave Reynolds20091472
Andrew Pooler20091480
Mark Jackson20101563
Mark Palmer20111652
James Lurati20131802
Darren Graham20131810
Malcolm Christie20131828
Martin Emslie20151929
Keith Mallinder20151955
Robert Lee Green20172099
Robert Tyson20172122
Dave Jackson20192323
Andy Poole2021

Extended Rounds

As well as the standard 42 peak round, some find it an extra challenge to increase the number of peaks to match their age as they grow older. The following Achille Ratti members have completed extended Bob Graham Rounds:

Name Year Number of summits and age
Arthur Daniels   50 at 50
Dave Makin 2012 53 at 51
Dave Makin 2017 56 at 56