We welcome applications for membership from anyone who is happy to support the aims and objectives of the ARCC, and we hope you find the following information useful.

Applications for Membership

Applications are welcome from anyone aged 18 or over who has an interest in outdoor activities. All applicants should be aware of the following:

  • Applications for membership are made by clicking on the link below to join online:
  • The usual procedure is for an applicant to be proposed by two existing members. Those who would like to join the club but do not know two current members will be invited to attend some Club meets (link to events page) as a guest of the hut warden or another committee member where they will get the opportunity to meet other members.  Please Contact Us for further details.
  • If the application is approved by the Membership Secretary the applicant will become a Probationer of the Club for a twelve month period.  During this period the Probationer will have all the privileges of a Full Member, except he/she will not be allowed to vote at the AGM and he/she will not be allowed to nominate new members.
  • It is expected that a probationer will make use of the Club facilities and participate in some of the Club’s events including taking part in at least one hut maintenance meet and/or helping with at least one of the Club fell races.  On completion of the twelve month period all Probationers will be asked for written evidence that they have achieved this.  At the discretion of the Management Committee they will then either be offered full membership of the Club or their Probationary period will be extended by twelve months.  
  • All probationers are expected to become a full member within three years of their membership application being made.  Failure to achieve this will result in a probationer’s application for membership being revoked unless the management committee are made aware of special circumstances that have resulted in the delay.  The decision of the management committee is final and there is no right to appeal.
  • A Probationary Associate is welcome to take up to four guests to the club huts on any occasion, including their children and grandchildren. Please refer to the hut information sheets or contact the hut warden for further details.  Requests to take more than four guests will be considered by the hut warden or a nominated member of the management committee.
  • ARCC is a Company Limited by Guarantee. By applying for membership of Achille Ratti Climbing Club Limited you guarantee liability in the sum of £1 which you shall pay if the Company is wound up while you are a member (or within one year after you cease to be a member) and cannot meet its financial obligations, subject to membership being approved.

Club Articles of Association & Bylaws

For a more detailed insight into the rules and principles of the Achille Ratti Climbing Club, have a look at our Bylaws and Articles of Association:

ARCC Limited Articles of Association

ARCC Limited Bylaws