8th July, 1989

Anti-clockwise round with a midnight start assisted by members of the Achille Ratti Climbing Club along with husband and family.

Midnight arrives, the weather is kind. I put myself into the hands of my fellow members who are to help me obtain this Bob Graham Round. Two slight errors made on first section but Honister reached in comfort. Tea, jam sandwich and 5 mins rest was sufficient here.

02.46am and off we go to cover the next 9 summits, dawn arriving as we reach Great Gable, with the promise of a good day ahead. Wasdale was reached 14 mins behind my schedule. 12 mins rest here to give me time to have a brew or two, plus breakfast, a change of socks and feet pampered to by our daughter.

07.06am and off again, feel good and comfortable. Scafell and the Langdales next, Broad Stand dealt with magnificently considering I had never been on it before.  Then I decided to get cracking, the summits came and went along with an easy descent down Steel Fell to Dunmail Raise by 12.27pm, this time I was 37 mins ahead of schedule.  20 mins rest here for dinner, tinned peaches and cold rice pudding, delicious, plus a couple of brews and another change of socks, feels nice in clean socks and I feel great and raring to go.  Looks like I’m going to make it if I keep this nice easy pace. 

27 summits done and 14 to be done, No. 28 Seat Sandal coming up next.  I was glad when we reached Dollywagon as I seemed to have been going up and down towards Grisedale Tarn for ever. The Dodds were easy going and the weather was perfect.  Threlkeld was reached 1 hour 38 mins ahead of schedule at 17.02pm, husband and daughter already there to see to our needs.  Lots more tea, tinned peaches and cold rice pudding for me, being so far ahead of time I had 20 mins rest here, then I was more than ready for tackling the last three summits.

The last section was for me completely new ground so I had no idea what to expect. Halls Ridge was different for me and that brought the summit of Blencathra under my feet at 18.14pm. From here on I was met by other members of the A.R.C.C. and the last summit coming into sight and yes I still feel good.

Skiddaw reached at 20.26pm and it’s a beautiful evening and even more fellow members coming up to see me in, it’s a lovely feeling. Moot Hall now getting closer and I seem to have every member along side of me.

The final burst up the main street of Keswick to the cheers and shouts of hundreds of people. Where did they all come from? It’s like a carnival, its magic. It was truly a magnificent feeling when I touched Moot Hall at 21.36pm and there was Fred Rodgerson and his wife Margaret and when he welcomed me to the Bob Graham Club it was the proudest moment of my life to be honoured a Bob Graham Member.

My thanks for this success, first and foremost goes to Leo Pollard and Freda for 6 years of putting up with me. Secondly, husband and family for all the patience and understanding and last of all, to all my fellow members of the Achille Ratti, who helped me to have a wonderful day out on the hills with a bonus.


Sheila Anderton