New Year 2018 – 19

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A large group of members arrived at Bishop’s Scale on 30th December to see in the new year. New year’s eve activities included the long route to the Old for those shown in the photo opposite (via Seargent Man, High Raise and the Langdale Pikes) and a trip to Cathedral Quarry for others. Most managed to get to ODG by 3pm. A couple of pints were consumed before we all returned to the hut to prepare the annual Jacob’s Join. As can be seen the contributions from all produced a wonderful feast leaving no one hungry.

Some made an effort to empty the barrel of beer before we headed down to the New Dungeon Ghyll to be entertained by Bodger’s Mate and a rather fabulous firework display. On return to the hut the traditional dram or two of whisky was consumed before bed, with silence (except for snoring) descending sometime around 03:30 am.

New year’s day morning saw the annual Side Pike dash taking place. Entries were low, with Alex Pollard, Owen Pollard, Natasha Fellowes and Chris Lloyd being the only four of the fifty or so people in the hut who couldn’t come up with a reasonable excuse. On route we were caught up by Daz Graham who started late having already done the Whinlatter and Keswick park runs.

Fell Race Results:

  1. Owen Pollard 37 mins 53 seconds
  2. Daz Graham 38 mins ?? seconds
  3. Tash Fellowes 41 mins 53 seconds
  4. Chris Lloyd 46 mins 39 seconds
  5. Alex Pollard 55 mins 39 seconds

Most people returned home on New Year’s day. Those that remained spent the afternoon carrying out a few maintenance jobs, chopping wood and enjoying the sunshine on what was a very mild and sunny winter’s day. The New Dungeon Ghyll in the evening was a mellower place than the previous night but Bodger’s Mate were on fine form as always. We look forward to more of the same next new year.