Tyn Twr – door code change
The door code for Tyn Twr has been changed. Please contact the hut warden or another member of the management committee if you intend to visit and are not aware of the new code.
The door code for Tyn Twr has been changed. Please contact the hut warden or another member of the management committee if you intend to visit and are not aware of the new code.
This event will be taking place on Saturday 1st April 2023. Start 11:00hrs. Entry on day only
Please note that this race is now taking place on Saturday 7th May 2022 and not on Saturday 2nd April as originally advertised. ARCC apologise for any inconvenience this date change might cause and we hope to see you in … Continued
The club is now pleased that our Welsh hut can also be opened on an unrestricted basis and without the need to book following the recent relaxation of covid guidelines in Wales. The family quarters at Bishop’s Scale now has … Continued
Following the government’s relaxation of Covid restrictions on 19th July 2021 the Club is now in a position to allow unrestricted use of its huts in England. This does not yet apply to Tyn Twr. A copy of the ARCC … Continued
ARCC would like to offer its congratulations to Kirsty Hewitson who completed the 26 Lake, Meres and Waters challenge on 4th and 5th June 2021. Kirsty completed the course in 30 hours 10 minutes which is a new Ladies Record. … Continued
I am very sorry to announce that, having given much thought to the situation, the Management Committee now believe that the Club is left with no choice but to close all three huts with immediate effect. Since my correspondence to members several days ago it has … Continued
Unfortunately, given the most recent government guidelines, I have to inform members that for the foreseeable all Achille Ratti meets will be cancelled. As a consequence, the Bishop’s Scale maintenance meet and all following meets will not take place until … Continued
The Club is pleased to announce that the number of finishers of this tough challenge has increased by 25% during 2019 thanks to completions by Tony Marlow in June and Nathaneal Ingram in November. Tony and Nathaneal are the 7th … Continued
The minutes of the AGM which was held on 16th November 2019 can now be viewed in the meeting minutes section of the members only page. As usual this is a draft version until it is approved as a true … Continued